Monday, April 25, 2011

Round 3- Friendship Quilt Exchange

Edited to Add: Kristen and Sherianne have opted out of the exchange. They both have a lot going on in their lives and felt it was hard to keep up. We will miss you ladies, but understand that life can get crazy. If either of you get to the point where you want to join back in, please don't hesitate to say so. Revised exchange is below - only a couple of people are affected.

Okay Ladies- we've had a few months off since our last quilt exchange in January, so time to rev up those machines and get working on #3. We will exchange quilts Aug. 1 at a summer quilting get-together, or by mail. Following that, we'll exchange at the beach in Jan. 2012 so if you are ambitious and want to work ahead, go for it! We'll just keep rotating by moving the recipient's name down one person on the list. I know everyone is busy, so if you are overwhelmed remember to keep it simple!

August 2011 Friendship Quilt Exchange - REVISED

Amelia gives to Nichole
Christi gives to Monica
Julie gives to Amelia
Kim gives to Christi
Kimberly gives to Julie
Laurel gives to Kimberly
Monica gives to Kim G.
Nichole gives to Laurel

Here is a recap of the last round. Those who sent/received by mail can you please add in your photos so we can all see?

Kim's quilt from Kimberly
Julie's Quilt from Kim
Amelia's quilt from Christi
Monica's quilt from Nichole
Christi's quilt from Julie
Laurel's quilt from Monica
Sherianne's quilt from Amelia

All the quilts together - love it!

P.S. - don't forget the label (Monica, I still owe you one from last round).

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